The Gorgeous Mrs J!

Meet Mrs J! We had an amazing session as we had a few giggle moments and of course created some fabulous photography! She came in feeling a little nervous but within ten or so minutes she found it in her inner self to relax and embrace the moment and that she did! Here are a few words from Mrs J!

Why did you book a boudoir session?

I booked a boudoir session because one of closest friends had done one recently. I liked the thought of having those photos to look back on and think “yah I clean up good.”

Why did you choose Tease Boudoir Photography?

I choose Tease after I had looked at a number of different sites. The Tease boudoir had the most classically beautiful pictures out there. All the pictures were ones you would be happy to have years from now. Everything was tastefully done.

How did you prepare for your session?

I prepared for the session by hitting the gym a little more regularly, putting a few more kms on my running shoes and shopping for some new outfits.

Who are your boudoir images for?

My boudoir images are for my fiancé as a wedding gift. I don’t know how much longer I can keep them a secret!

How was your boudoir session photography experience?

My experience was so amazing. I went into the session so nervous and not even sure how I hadn’t chickened out yet! Shawna was so welcoming and made me so comfortable. I almost forgot that I was half naked.

How did you feel after your session?

I felt like a million dollars afterwards!

Why should other women do a boudoir shoot for themselves?

Other women should do the shoot so that they can feel like a million dollars too! We spend to much time worrying about everything and everyone else that this is the best way to take some time for yourself, spoil yourself and then have something to look back on.
















