The Stunning Mrs JB!

Believe it or not Mrs JB is a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl! She did this session for herself and her husband just happens to benefit! Lucky guy!! She is sweet as heck and we had a great day just hanging out, chatting and taking amazing images. Here are a few words from Mrs JB:

What was your overall experience with Tease Boudoir Photography like?
Comfortable and was more like hanging out with a friend

Why did you choose to work with Tease Boudoir Photography?
My husband recommended Tease

Going into the shoot, what were you worried about that you realized later wasn’t that big of a deal?
Flexing, realized that emotions have more impact on the photo verses holding a pose

Looking back on the planning process, do you feel like you were given adequate information and references to help you better prepare for your shoot?
Yes, All my questions were answered and I felt prepared.

What was your favorite part of the planning process?
Dawnelle, she made me feel important

What was your favorite part of the actual shoot?
Feeling beautiful and the chatting with Shawna

Is there anything that we could have done differently to make your experience a better one?
Not a thing

Was the studio to your liking?
I was impressed!

If you could tell future clients one thing about booking with Tease Boudoir Photography, what would it be?
Tease is the complete package; professional, high attention to detail, high quality equipment and décor.

Would you have another boudoir shoot with Tease Boudoir Photography?
Yes, have already been thinking about Themes

