Our comfy 2500 sq ft studio is the perfect setting for your boudoir shoot – it’s designed specifically with boudoir in mind. We also have exceptionally talented hair and makeup artists to glam you up and take care of you when you arrive.
So whether you’re doing it for yourself or wanting to surprise your partner with a little something they won’t forget, a boudoir shoot is just the ticket.
We strive to create boudoir images that are tasteful, contemporary, and sexy (nudity is not required but requested by our clients). The days of corny glamour are over – thankfully – and the opportunity to look, and feel, like a stunning model are here.
All the images taken on your boudoir shoot are kept strictly confidential and are not displayed publicly or on websites. The images are seen only by the Shawna and her team. We do not blog client images except unless we receive the client’s consent. That being said Miss C was proud to have us display her images and she is absolutely STUNNING! Here are a few images from her session!
Gorgeous! I hope she splurges and buys every picture!